31 May 2011

So much to do, so little time...

Because i'm such a bloody busy person, I barely have time to write this blog. So here's a little download of what's been happening in my week.

So, I work as a boring administrator for 9 hours a day and then a hours travelling to and fro, which takes up a huge hunk of my life. I actually worked out that I spend more hours with my boss than my boyfriend who I live with. Bit worrying eh?

Because of the above and actually wanting social life, I've not really managed to keep up the new exercise schedule... like at all. As in not even begun to start it. But tomorrow is a new day and I have pretty high expectations actually. trainers are by the front door and everything.

So after starting on this massive downer I do have some pretty lovely things to talk about.
I went out with one of my best friends, Jessica for the first time in about a year. We've hung out loads but not gone out or got drunk. Now I have no pictures of us out (we ladies like to keep things classy because man I look rough after drinking), but my outfit was faboosh! This dress in bright blue:
Giant sparkly waist belt, suede high heels, cream blazer and quiff. Followed by the purse in the only picture of the night...

 Another lovely thing is that my boy came back from a field trip to Spain for 10 days. Yeah yeah, I can hear you all retching but he makes my happy. Especially when he comes back with presents from duty free. Hello Chanel perfume and giant bars of chocolate :D

Also, Ellie, one of my bessies from uni has come back from her year travelling around Europe and is seeing me this weekend. Excitamundo!

Ooooh! Almost forgot!  I just wanted to thank this Gorgeous Unique Lady for my new award!

Rules Of Award

1. Write a random fact about yourself
 I am *actually* a magpie. I LOVE shiny things. As in I will literally stop to look at anything shiny, will buy endless shiny things I don't need... It goes on.

2. Pass The Award On
I totally don't have any people on here right now! I really need to change that and steal some friends. This is really sad... People follow me!

Love L xox

22 May 2011

I like the word "indolence." It makes my laziness seem classy.

One of my biggest problems is my lack of motivation. For instance, here I am on Sunday night and I've done NOTHING all weekend. No no, I mean NOTHING. Without even a hint of a lie, there is even an indent of my butt in the sofa. I have showered and got back into pyjamas. I have eaten biscuits and tea as I can't even be bothered to cook something. Facebook has been my only friend this weekend and I don't think I've actually spoken with my mouth in over 48 hours.

And this is slowly but definitely having a detrimental effect on my figure. A few years ago I was a hot size 10/12. I looked a bit like this. I'm the skinny brunette next to the uber hot fiery redhead.

But over time I've got good at drinking. Really good at drinking. And amazing at cooking, partly due to cooking for a gastro pub though my third year of uni. And I love eating. Generally I don't eat sweets or crisps or normal snack bad food, but I do eat carbs and I'm really good at baking and I LOVE chocolate. Here's some of the stuff I make: pyramid cake, double chocolate muffins, Cherry Victoria sponge with strawberry icing, Croissants filled with bacon and scrambled eggs with sausages on the side, a rocky road, King Prawn spaghetti marinara, Rose cupcakes and tea, and a Manhattan. And most of this comes with wine.

 All of this eventually lead to me being quite a few sizes bigger. I know it sounds silly but you kid yourself that it's not happening, that everything you're eating isn't taking an effect even when you are starting to buy clothes bigger sizes because yours don't fit any more. But I think it hit home a couple of weeks ago when I went out with some of my girl mates and there was a picture taken, which made me realise I'm much bigger than i thought before.

This is me, the much bigger one in the middle. Size 16. I used to be as big as the wonderful lady behind me.

So I have found something that I am starting tomorrow. Yes I know you're thinking I'm procrastinating but I'm not, I'm postponing because it's late now. Cough.

Anyway, it's called couch to 5k from the NHS Website. This should get me running 5 km in half an hour in 9 weeks time if I keep to it. This will give me three training sessions a week and I should be able to run 5k just before my boyfriends graduation, so therefore looking gorgeous and slender as it should burn a pound a week off and that's almost a stone in 9 weeks. WIN! Wish me luck!

Loves, L xox

21 May 2011

I have more fashion sense than Gok Wan has in his little finger...

Before I start this I just though you should all know I've been on the wine for a little while now. I had an amazing seafood thing so I cracked open the white wine. What can I say, it was dope. So if this make no sense I apologise now.

On to the post!

I love fashion. I love it more than I love getting stuffed on chocolate and watching trash on TV (and trust me I totally love that). I love the glamour of high fashion, the ideas behind the designs, the materials and colours, experiments with something new, the tiny minuscule details which make outfits pop, the way it filters down though luxury brands to eventually high street where I can get my grubby but very excited paws on it. The thing I love most that excited feeling when you see something you've just fallen in love with, and more when you just spontaneously buy it and it fits like a glove and you feel like a million dollars. And that' s what it should be about, how it makes you feel.

A little while ago I interned at London Fashion Week for the whole week, helping designers out with their presentations which was completely epic. I got to dress runway models (yes, the hot guy ones too), set up presentation rooms, get into the make up and hair room. Every day of that, I learned more about the designers, their passion, and what they wanted to achieve with their clothes. The two designers I loved the most were Louise Amstrup, who's prints were just the most amazingly refreshingly original thing's I'd ever seen which were teamed up with feathers and the most amazing panels.

I also loved this Men's fashion brand, a couple of guys with a label called Braille, they were ever so sweet and so nervous as it was their first presentation though they had no need, as their coats at the very least were to die for, and the rest quite inspired.

A Child of the Jago (designer is the child of Vivienne Westwood) was also an amazing show. Unfortunately I don't have any photo's as the guy I was dressing was a drunk but pretty douche bag and needed babying. but I just thought I'd steal a picky of the one my friend dressed.

I worked with and got Nandos for House of Blue Eyes who has also worked with and for Haus of GaGa, Lady GaGa's fashion and ideas house. If you think Lady GaGa's insane you've NO IDEA because Johnny Blue Eyes is simply the maddest man I've ever met. He painted his face blue, rolled around on the stage, and walked the catwalk himself.

 There's loads of other things too, but I don't want this to go on for years. So here's some more pictures.

Loves, L xox

15 May 2011

Under Construction

Isn't it funny, I've been thinking for weeks about starting a blog, thinking about all the stuff I'm going to write about in here, and here I am two hours later staring at the same blank screen. This is partly not my fault. I'm very distracted because I'm watching Brothers and Sisters and there are FAR TOO MANY beautiful men in this programme that walk around either topless or in suits/army outfits. Especially these one, nom.

I've just realised that this is the best way  of ever starting off a journal, a hot body. I might make this into a weekly thing.

ANYWAY, this isn't going to be a blog just gawping at men (unfortunately). I'm not sure what it's going to be about yet. But definitely about me, my life and the things I like, so here's a small introduction.

This is me. I like clothes, shoes, bags, food and accessories. I like wine, dancing, and chatting with my girlfriends. I like sunbathing, cupcakes, shopping and curling my hair. I like chilling out on the sofa watching trash or curling up with my boyfriend doing nothing in the evening. I hate oranges. And the colour orange, especially clothes. I hate my thighs. I when I promise myself something, I NEVER change my mind. When i think of more stuff I'll add it in. But this'll do for now.

Bare with me a bit guys, I'm having a bit of trouble with the background and sorting out the theme, give me some time with the construction, and it'll be pretty soon enough. 

Much love, L x