31 May 2011

So much to do, so little time...

Because i'm such a bloody busy person, I barely have time to write this blog. So here's a little download of what's been happening in my week.

So, I work as a boring administrator for 9 hours a day and then a hours travelling to and fro, which takes up a huge hunk of my life. I actually worked out that I spend more hours with my boss than my boyfriend who I live with. Bit worrying eh?

Because of the above and actually wanting social life, I've not really managed to keep up the new exercise schedule... like at all. As in not even begun to start it. But tomorrow is a new day and I have pretty high expectations actually. trainers are by the front door and everything.

So after starting on this massive downer I do have some pretty lovely things to talk about.
I went out with one of my best friends, Jessica for the first time in about a year. We've hung out loads but not gone out or got drunk. Now I have no pictures of us out (we ladies like to keep things classy because man I look rough after drinking), but my outfit was faboosh! This dress in bright blue:
Giant sparkly waist belt, suede high heels, cream blazer and quiff. Followed by the purse in the only picture of the night...

 Another lovely thing is that my boy came back from a field trip to Spain for 10 days. Yeah yeah, I can hear you all retching but he makes my happy. Especially when he comes back with presents from duty free. Hello Chanel perfume and giant bars of chocolate :D

Also, Ellie, one of my bessies from uni has come back from her year travelling around Europe and is seeing me this weekend. Excitamundo!

Ooooh! Almost forgot!  I just wanted to thank this Gorgeous Unique Lady for my new award!

Rules Of Award

1. Write a random fact about yourself
 I am *actually* a magpie. I LOVE shiny things. As in I will literally stop to look at anything shiny, will buy endless shiny things I don't need... It goes on.

2. Pass The Award On
I totally don't have any people on here right now! I really need to change that and steal some friends. This is really sad... People follow me!

Love L xox

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